
Tuesday 22 December 2020

Anxiety in Children.




Mental health🧠 in children is equally important as their physical health if not, more than physical health because if they are mentally healthy only then can they take care of themselves physically.

Growing up is an anxious process!. Children get anxious about different things at different ages, which is normal. However, the anxiousness of a child is a cause of concern when a child gets anxious for every possible reason, develops fears, phobias and is unable to overcome it and leads a poor quality life. Unnoticed and untreated anxiety in children harms their emotional wellbeing, self-esteem, confidence and leads to depression that impacts their precious lives negatively!.

Parents and caregivers play an important role to help a child recognise, manage and eventually overcome anxiety and lead a healthy life. Therefore it is important to know the signs and symptoms of anxiety in children to help them overcome it.

Following are some of the signs and symptoms of anxiety in children -

1. Becomes irritable, tearful or clingy very often.
2. Difficulty in sleeping, waking up in the night, have bad dreams.
3. Starts bed-wetting.
4. Have anger outbursts.
5. Have eating problems.
6. Often complains of tummy aches, headaches and feeling unwell.
7. Having repeated episodes of sudden, unexpected, intense fear with symptoms like heart pounding, having trouble breathing, feeling dizzy, shaky and sweaty.
8. Feels tense, fidgety and uses toilet often.
9. Finds it hard to concentrate.
10. Have negative thoughts, assumptions and constant worrying.
11. Lacks confidence, avoids to try new things, finds it difficult to face simple everyday challenges.
12. Avoids everyday activities such as seeing friends, going to school or going out in public.

Many factors contribute to anxiety in children such as biological factors, family factors and environmental factors. Anxiety in children can be treated at home by parents if it is mild, by talking to children about their fears, problems, encouraging them to practice relaxation activities and explaining to them how to deal with their emotions, control them and direct towards a positive outcome. However, anxiety in children needs to addressed to a medical expert if it is causing harm to a child’s wellbeing and impacts their daily activities. There are many therapies, medications and activities that help to combat anxiety and help children overcome them.

You can try solutions to combat anxiety from :

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