
Wednesday 1 July 2020

Growing Pains in Toddlers and Children.


           Growing pains in Toddler and Children are deep cramping or aching pains that are most often in the shins, calves, thighs or back of the knees. 

            Growing pains usually occur late in the day or at night, and the pain can awaken a child from sleep. The pain can happen every day or it can be intermittent. The pain can last for a few minutes to hours and often resolves by the next day. About 50% of children can experience growing pains. It occurs in children from the ages of 3 to 12 years. The exact cause of growing pains is not known.

There are many factors that can contribute to the growing pains in children, such as - 

1. Low levels of Vitamin D, that leads to decreased bone strength.

2. Increased activity or overuse that leads to pain in the muscles.

3. Hypermobility in the joints or flat feet causes mechanical pains.

Symptoms of Growing Pains - 

1. Pain in the child’s shins, calves, thighs or the area behind the knees.

2. Aches or stabbing pain in the legs that is experienced in the afternoon or at night, before bedtime or during sleep.

3. Pain on both sides of the body at once.

4. Pain and soreness is often resolved by the next day.

One should consult the doctor, if :

- Persistent pain that happens for many days in a row.

- Pain accompanied by swelling that doesn’t decrease or gets worse with time, lumps in his muscles, reddening or warmth of the skin over the muscle or joint, a fever, dark urine or swelling that doesn’t get better with - rest, ice, compression and elevation.

- Pain is experienced in only at one spot - one hip, thigh or knee. The doctor will need to rule out other causes such as a fracture or an infection.

- Pain that causes the child to limp.

Growing Pains have no specific treatment. However one can help to relieve the discomfort and soothe the child’s growing pains by following a few steps, such as -

1. Comforting your child during the episodes of pain and reassuring that the growing pains won’t last forever.

2. Stretching.

3. Massaging the area with pain helps to reduce the pain and discomfort since growing pains are muscular.

4. Giving warm baths to the child and using heating pads helps to alleviate the pain.

5. If the above steps don’t help to relieve the pain and the pain doesn't subside, offer over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen. Follow the dosing instructions carefully.

6. Orthotics (shoe inserts) can help if the child has flat feet.
Physical therapy can help with strength if the child has hypermobility.

7. Learning to cope with pain through services like psychology or counselling.

Growing pains in children cannot be prevented. However, we can make sure to make them follow a healthy lifestyle and habits that are mentioned below to get them through it -

1. Eating a well-balanced diet to get vitamins and minerals they need to function and grow. 

2. Drinking lots of water helps to prevent dehydration in children as it can cause muscle cramping.

3. Wearing appropriate footwear with good arch support helps to prevent pains as poor posture puts a greater strain on the muscles.

You can buy orthotics (shoe inserts to support arch) for kids from :

You can buy Epsom salt soak for pain relief from:

You can buy pain relief roll on for kids from:

You can buy heating pad for kids from:


Please Note : This post contains product links from


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