
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Healthy Habits That Improve Children’s Immunity.


               The immune system helps the body fight against diseases and infections. Immune system consists of a team of cells, proteins, tissues and organs that fight off illness, germs and other invaders. Children do not have fully developed immune systems until they are about 7-8 years old and hence are vulnerable to get infections and fall sick very often.

               However, we can encourage our children to develop healthy habits from an early age to boost their immunity and avoid getting sick easily.

               Following are some of the healthy habits which if inculcated in the child’s life helps to boost their immunity - 

1. Healthy diet - Eating a well-balanced diet provides proper nutrition for the child to develop a strong immune system by warding off diseases. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, meats and home-cooked meals in their diet.

2. Staying hydrated - Drinking a good amount of water, fruit juices and smoothies help to keep the children hydrated and helps to detoxify the body by flushing out all the disease-causing germs from the body keeping the immune system of the children strong.

3. Sleep - An adequate sleep is important to have a healthy immune system. Children need more sleep than adults. Not getting enough sleep can reduce the number of fighter cells, making children more prone to colds and other infections. Even vaccines have a weakened protective effect if the child is sleep deprived.

4. Exercise/Stay active - Exercising and physical activity including sports, outdoor games help children to grow healthy and strong. Spending time outdoors provides fresh air and vitamin D which is required to boost the immune system.

5. Proper hygiene - Regular baths, washing hands before and after eating, after play, after using toilet is necessary to keeps germs and infections away. These hygiene rules should be inculcated in children from an early age to make their immune system strong.

6. Vaccination - Getting the vaccination shots on scheduled time as advised by the paediatrician is essential to boost the immune system of children.

7. Stress - Stress suppresses the immune system. Make your children feel comfortable in sharing their feelings with you. Let children talk freely to you so that you can provide them with the perfect solution to come out of the stress.

8. Pollution - Air pollution, pesticides, and passive smoking weaken the immune system in children. Therefore make sure not to expose children to toxins to boost their immunity.

9. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics - Children’s immune system must learn to fight against germs, if antibiotics are administered for every infection, the immune system may forget how to do its job and weaken their immune system.

You can buy immunity boosters from :



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